Seanet SCU V5
The SeaNet SCU V5 provides a reliable, rugged and easy to install replacement for the SCU V4, it has been designed as a robust 19" rack mount unit with floated shock mount sub assemblies for maximum reliability.
The Seahub Surface Interface Module is the successor to the SKIM-100 Interface Module.The SeaHub is a highly versatile product, which allows any customer to interface Tritech or third party survey equipment via a USB 1.1/2.0 connection on their own PC or laptop computer.
Multicomm Junction Box
The Multicomm can be linked to a number of SeaKing sensors and communication can then be made to the SCU (Surface Control Unit) using RS232 protocol. As well as providing RS232 output, the Multicomm can be set to act as a transparent interface allowing communication using Tritech's ARCNET protocol.
Gemini Multibeam Hub
The Gemini Hub allows quick and easy integration and system building. Housed in a standard low profile rack mountable chassis, the Gemini Hub is ideal for use alongside an existing IT infrastructure and is straightforward to connect through its use of a standard Ethernet output.