The LEZARD lanyard is designed for helivac at altitude. It allows the drop-off/recovery phases to be secured thanks to an adjustable arm that can be instantly ejected to free the victim, the rescuer and the helicopter if the latter needs to suddenly leave its stationary position.

The IGUANE lanyard is designed for ground helivac. Manipulation is easy thanks to the instant identification of the attachment elements by color coding.

The ASAP'SORBER lanyard connects to the ASAP or ASAP LOCK mobile fall arrester to allow the user to work at a distance from the rope in order to protect it during certain work phases. It is equipped with a tearing energy absorber located in a zippered fabric pouch to protect it from abrasion while allowing for regular inspection.

Tear-webbing energy absorber, for use in combination with a JANE lanyard to make an energy-absorbing lanyard.