Cougar XTi
work-class rov
The Seaeye Cougar-XTi is a 3000m depth rated version of the compact, highly flexible and extremely powerful Cougar-XT ROV system, which is aimed to address the industry's need for a 3,000m observation ROV, capable of providing a "self help" capability and light work capability.
With all the benefits of the proven Cougar-XT and the full range of optional quick-change tool skids, the Cougar-XTi also features a new distributed control system and high frequency power supply system developed for deepwater operations. These new systems have been developed and used in Saab Underwater Systems' military ROV systems.
- Minimal deck footprint: same footprint as a smaller observation ROV (Lynx for instance)
- Fault tolerance for minimised downtime, thanks to a new generation modular control system allowing remote individual switching and isolation of all subsea components
- Non-invasive and automated self-diagnostics. Each subsea component can also be health-checked and interrogated for parameters such as power, temperature, hours run, etc.
- Advanced autopilots: heading, depth, pitch, roll, stabilisation, altitude (with altimeter). Future advanced autopilots (with additional sensors): station keeping, vector transition, auto riser-tracking
- Remote internet interface for base and Seaeye technical support