Smart Tether
The Smart Tether Non-Acoustic Tether Based positioning system is a revolutionary design for small ROV and diver positioning. With the system built into the tether, there is no need for additional external transponders or complicated set-up, measurement, and training.
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USBL Positioning System
The MicronNav positioning system is an innovative USBL tracking system designed for small ROVs like the VideoRay. It has been primarily designed to be used in conjunction with the Tritech Micron sonar and other Tritech Micron products such as the Micron Echo Sounder altimeter.

There are several 2-dimensional (2D) imaging sonar and 360° scanning sonar solutions available that integrate seamlessly with the VideoRay Pro 3 and Pro 4 ROV systems. These sonar systems attach in minutes to the ROV and utilize existing communication channels so there is never any reason to send back your system to the factory for integration.

Radiation Detector
The VideoRay Radiation Detector mounts easily to the bottom of either the Pro 3 or Pro 4 ROV systems and utilizes the 9-pin accessory port. The unit is very sensitive to gamma radiation and high energy X-Rays.

Thickness Gauge
The Cygnus Ultrasonic Metal Thickness Gauge has been specifically designed to be mounted onto small observation ROVs such as the VideoRay Pro 3 and VideoRay Pro 4 platforms.